Tuesday P. Brooks, partners with government agencies, non-profit organizations and for-profit companies to provide training and advisory services to traditionally under-served business owners. She is a part of a global movement committed to creating stronger communities, higher quality jobs, and an altogether stronger, healthier New York. Her efforts have been recognized by the “Best for NYC” Campaign multiple years.
Some of the programs that she is actively involved with provide 1 on 1 coaching as well as other business capacity building services such as the SBA T.H.R.I.V.E, Emerging Leaders Reimagined; Goldman Sachs One Million Black Women (OMBW): Black in Business (BiB) initiative; Columbia University, CU Grow Vendor Development Program; Harlem Entrepreneurial Fund, Growth Path program; INTUIT/Operation Hope, 1 Million Black Business and Entrepreneur Initiative (1MBB); IMPACCT Brooklyn, Project IMPACCT initiative; Business Outreach Center Network (BOC)/WE NYC; BE NYC Mentor Program; and NYC Small Business Solutions FastTrac program.
Operation Hope
Buy From a Black Woman
New York Urban League
NYC Business Solutions (Small Business Services)
NYS Urban Development Corp/ Hofstra University
Silver Lining
Columbia University’s CU Grown Program
Harlem Common Wealth Council
Goldman Sachs
WE nyc
TruFund Financial Services
New York Women’s Chamber of Commerce
Ascend Long Island
Expert Impact
BOC Network
Learn about our partnerships for curriculum development, capacity building, and technical support. Contact us to inquire about partnering with Tuesday P. Brooks.
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